「百呎咖啡廳」廳長: 攝影藝術家 何兆南 South Ho 會落手沖咖啡俾大家~
日期︰2013年1月12 - 13日 (伙炭開放日)
時間︰14:00 ~ 18:00
地址︰新界火炭環球工業中心10樓01室(紅彩工作室 X 陳閃)
About 100ft. PARK | 關於 百呎公園
About “100 ft. PARK”
100 ft. PARK is a non-commercial mini art space founded by three art practitioners. We aim to exhibit works in all media in a small space of 100 square feet. Through exhibiting works, we hope to be a hub for art-lovers and provide an open platform for artists to share their creative thoughts.
100 ft. PARK is located inside “The Coming Society”, a second-hand book shop / art space, neighbouring on other cultural groups. With the space’s unique and humanistic atmosphere, we hope to attract people to participate and enrich the place with discussions and cultural exchanges. By having close contact with the artworks, audience can become part of the small space and explore freely what they see and what they want to see.
We welcome your exhibition proposals to publish works in our space. Make use of the junction to communicate with audience and to exchange ideas with the art industry.
For enquiries, please contact (852)6143-7029 or email to: info@100ftpark.com
若有查詢,請電 (852)9013 9723或電郵至:info@100ftpark.com