Red Elation Studio X Sim Chan 紅彩工作室 X 陳閃
「十年人事幾翻新」,火炭自頭一天起有藝術家進駐至今, 已不止十年,而藝術的新靈感與新發現,更讓伙炭的人與事 不知翻了幾遍。到了現在,伙炭已聚結超過一百間工作室, 逾三百位藝術家。他們喜歡「閉門造車」,但每年的這些日 子,他們不單樂於與大眾分享藝術創作的成果,更毫不吝嗇 地向外展現自己日常作息的場所。在這個工廠場景內,沒有 華麗的裝潢,沒有矯情的修飾,就像未經刪剪的紀錄片,毫 無保留地向公眾放映。
香港的規劃曾經讓我們以為,工廈與民居永遠都是疏離的; 藝術家卻愛打破舊有的分野,在工廠內創造不可能的場景。 今年的伙炭開放日,除了導賞團、座談會、工作坊等豐富節 目,更透過「路邊藝術」,讓整個被「隔離」的工廠區,因 著藝術的滲透,重現生活的氣息。
藝術也望薪火相傳,我們特別走訪了中大藝術系的陳育強教 授,以及幾位從事藝術教育的藝術家,嘗試摸索出香港藝術 教育的紋理來,看看在正規課程以外,還有甚麼別樣的可能 。
當社會還未摸透藝術家在搞哪門子的事之前,他們已嘗試挑 戰常規;即使孤芳自賞,他們卻仍堅持自我尋索,在夾縫中 絶處逢生——也許,這種藝術生活,已是教育大眾何謂「生 活藝術」的最佳示範。
Introduction of Open Studios 2013
It has been more than a decade since the first artist came to Fo Tan, during which Fotanian changes not only in time but also in new inspirations and discovery by Art. There are now more than a hundred studios and three hundred artists gathering in Fotan. They love to hide themselves in studios creating all sorts, yet among these weeks every year and so, they are delighted to show to the public the fruitful creation in Art, in the context of the factory units where they live day after day.
The city planning of Hong Kong once makes us believe that industrial buildings have nothing to do with residential or community. Artists are the ones who are enthusiastic enough to break the boundaries, creating new scenes in the factories. For this year’s Fotanian Open Day, despite guided tours, seminars and workshops, we have “Art on Road” scheme which tries to make the “isolated” industrial region come to life again with the penetration of Art.
We would love to see our next generation embracing Art too. We have interviewed Prof. Kurt Chan from Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, along with some other artists who are serving in the field of Art Education. Through the interviews we try to comprehend the principle of Art Education in Hong Kong, and discover the possibilities outside the curriculum in schools.
When the society is still groping for the actual life of the artists, they are already way ahead in challenging the old customs. Artists are like wallflowers who strive to self-explore, though they know that they might well be the only fan of their own, they manage to survive through cracks. This life of art as shown to the mass is perhaps the best demonstration of what “art of life” can be.
日期 Date:
Jan 5,6,12,13,19,20
資訊中心 Information Points:
穗禾路1號, 豐利工業中心地下5號/
Outside Fotan MTR Station Exit B/
5, G/F Goldfield Ind Ctr, 1 Sui Wo Rd/
Entrance, Wah Leun Ind Ctr, 15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung St.
交通 Transportation:
Mini-bus 60K at Shatin MTR Station Exit B/
Walk from Fotan MTR Station Exit B and D
More Program Details will be available by December:
查詢 Enquiry:
8110 1122