
Viewfinder by Sim Chan l 《睹》陳閃作品展

Viewfinder - Solo Exhibition by Sim Chan

Saturday, 3 November 2012, 5-7pm (Artist will be in attendance)
3 November – 8 December, 2012

Venue: Red Elation Gallery G/F, 5-6 Lung On Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Red Elation Gallery is pleased to announce “Viewfinder” -the first solo exhibition of Sim Chan at the gallery. The exhibition showcases paintings and mixed media works by Chan. The works were completed between 2009 and 2012, and address the artist's differing points of view towards the sky and the cityscape.

Skies in the city are always Chan's subject. Like looking through the viewfinder of a camera, Chan's painting series - "SimCity" and "SimSky" - capture images of the sky surrounded by crowded high-rises. On one hand, delicate and conceptual depictions of ghetto-style city buildings unfold into aggressive urban growth that we face; on the other hand, the painting's vanishing points converge high-up in the skies, reminding us how confined our urban dwelling lives can be. This confinement is actually man-made which synchronizes here with Chan's self-crafted wooden frames for his canvases. These symbolic cut-out shapes of the sky are loaded with lots of calculation and effort, implying that the canvas and frame as the media of painting are not only surfaces to be painted on, but also forms to be created. Here, Chan's works advise us of the need to question with a greater sense of engagement with life.

Chan's recent work demonstrates his other state of mind of seeing. His new horizontal works from the "SimCity" series delineate a panoramic view of random edifices in an open environment. Unlike his previous paintings, the canvas becomes the artist's window to the outside world which provides him with a different vision, yet isolation. The sense of remoteness is further stressed in his new mixed media installation, which collects fragmented views of the sky at different moments captured by anonymous eyes. "We always hope there are wider spaces and sky to be looked at" said Chan, "indeed, they might be right there when you turn your head. However, it just seldom gets through people's busy minds."

“Viewfinder” is guest-curated by Helen Ng

Sim Chan (born in Hong Kong, 1987) graduated from the Hong Kong Art School in 2008. He has participated in different exhibitions in the region since 2007, including Melbourne, Tokyo, Thailand, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. Chan set up his Fotan studio in 2007 and has also participated in an artist-in-residence program in Beijing in 2009.


開幕酒會:2012年11月3日(星期六), 下午5時至7時正
展覽地點:紅彩畫廊, 香港灣仔隆安街5‐6號地下 (北帝廟對面)


都市天空素來是陳氏喜愛的題材,有如相機的觀景器,陳氏的油畫系列《SimCity》和《SimSky》以蟲眼角度捕捉那瞬息萬變的天空色彩及四周擁擠扭曲的高樓形相。一方面,陳氏以其細膩及概念性筆觸描繪出印象中的城市建築 − 凌亂且不斷向天空蔓延的樓宇正是我們那過度發展城市之縮影;另一方面,陳氏畫中那開闊但高高在上的天空,反襯出城市人忽略了的生活局限。這些人為的藩籬不僅躍然紙上,更見於他那些代表各式各樣天空剪影的畫框中。這些經反覆計算及努力製成的畫框,標誌著藝術家對繪畫媒介的重新審視:畫布及框架不僅是顏料的載體,更是一種形式的創建。這些天空剪影代表了陳氏對繪畫及生活的提問,從而探索其箇中可能。





Gallery Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday, 12noon - 6pm
(Open by appointment on Sunday, Monday and Public Holidays)
Free Admission

Telephone: +852 2893 7837 / E-mail: info@redelation.com / Website: www.redelation.com




Helen Ng is an independent curator and photography producer who works and lives in Hong Kong. Graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics in 2001, Helen obtained a Professional Certificate in Exhibition Studies and Art Curatorship from Hong Kong Art School in 2007. Since then, she has collaborated with artists from Hong Kong and Japan, curating for commercial galleries, art school and alternative spaces. 

Her latest projects include Pineapple Underground Film Festival, 2011 (Experimenta, Hong Kong); Shooting Blind: Portrayal from the Street, 2011 (Woodhouse, Hong Kong) and Something Behind, 2010 (White Tube, Hong Kong). Having a strong concern about the impact of curatorial canon on artistic creation as well as audience reception, Helen likes to experiment on various exhibition formats in order to explore the value of curatorship in art representation. 



生於及居於香港,2001年畢業於香港城市大學, 主修語言學, 並於2007年修畢香港藝術中心藝術學院「展覽研究及專業策展」證書課程。隨後相繼與香港, 日本及韓國等地的藝術家合作,並於本地不同的藝術院校、獨立空間及藝廊策劃展覽。

現主力從事獨立策展及攝影監製之工作,最近策展項目包括「2011菠蘿電影節」 (Experimenta, 香港); “Shooting Blind: Portrayal from the Street” (活方, 香港) 與及 2010十月當代」展覽「身後事…」(白管子, 香港)一直關心規條化的策展模式對創作以致解讀作品之影響,並嘗試以不同的展示方式探討展覽的藝術意義。


特別嗚謝 Special Thanks

 作品拍攝 photographer ﹣South Ho , 策展人 Curator ﹣Helen Ng , 設計師 Designer - Godwin Ng , 影片剪接 Video editors ﹣Gabriel Cheung , 展覽統籌 Co-ordinator - Sandee Tang , 藝術家好友 Artist - Vaan Ip


