
这里,那里,哪里?--陈闪,孙宇双人作品展 Here, there, where? Dual Exhibition of Sim Chan, Sun Yu

地址: 上海淮海中路927弄淮海坊76号

Address: No.76, Lane 927 Mid Huan Hai Road,ShangHai

2010年6月27日 — 2010年8月29日
开幕式:2010年6月26日 周六 下午 4 – 8 点

Jun 27th,2010 – Aug 29th,2010
Opening Reception: Jun 26th, Sat 4-8pm



孙宇在肖像画这一不算新潮的领域里施展出精妙的绘画技巧,传神捕捉住了被画者的情感意志,使得这种瞬间的感觉具象表现在观者面前,让被画者灵动起来与观者 交流。他画中的人物和所处的场景,并没有一个具体的指代,常常出现空旷的背景和虚化的局部脸部器官。而那些写实的部分,譬如画中人物的一个眼神、一个举动 则被凸显出来。快乐期许落寞悲伤不羁,这些尤其在80后年轻一代中国孩子的生活中无处不在又希望被掩饰的脆弱情感,被孙宇艺术以镜面的方式激发出观者真实 的内心感动。当代人的情感是对社会与经济生存环境的折射,孙宇以探究内心世界的敏感和细腻真实表达对自己和这一代人的彷徨无助空虚的精神世界。正如他自己 提到,时间是无形的,但是可以被明确感受到。情感只有在无形的时间中才更凸显,我们透过画中人感受到了与自己或许曾有过的同样的瞬间,尽管时光流逝,物是 人非。观者在孙宇的画中能找到隐藏的自我,那是瑟缩在果壳中的隐秘空间的昙花一现。

陈闪,这位成长在香港的年轻画家,借由他的作品来表达在香港这样一个高度物化的浮躁的城市里,人们对寻求生活意义的深切渴望。密密麻麻的扭曲而变形的高楼 和晾衣架,支离破碎的窗户、招牌,盘根错节的电线杆天线等这些人真实而丑陋存在于世界的证据,与充满诗意的曼妙的天空相对,象征着人们美好的向往在被冷酷 的现实一点一点吞噬。城市是生活的承载体,而建筑又构成了城市的轮廓,生活在这个急速又复杂的城市中的人们,每天不知疲倦地工作,盲目追赶着眼前飘渺的路 途,麻木地生存着,却在不知不觉中渐渐失去了寻找生命意义的动力,成为迷茫而又碌碌无为的一代。陈闪所画的城市天空一望无垠,美丽至极,但天空四周紧迫的 建筑群却永远在提醒着我们,无论天空是多么地让人向往,生活却仅仅局限于此处,存在感始终都显得苍白无力。

两位艺术家的作品都描绘了生存在都市中的人们的焦虑不安,同时也反映了现今社会里最本质的人性。我们是迷茫地跟从现实的安排,还是反省着再次聆听内心的独 白,人生的意义又将在何处显现, 这些都是本次展品让人深思的问题。

孙宇,82年出生于吉林,现工作于广州北京两地。2009年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,作品多次入选国内重要展览,如2008年中国美术馆《中国油画写生 作品汇展》,2007年广美大学城美术馆《岭南新势力油画作品展》及2006年中国当代大学生油画作品展等。陈闪,87年出生于香港,现工作生活于北京和 香港两地。2008年毕业于香港艺术学院,曾获得2009第一届香港当代艺术优秀艺术家大奖,2008香港艺术学院最佳作品奖。曾参与在香港和大陆等多次 展览。两位艺术家均是首次在上海做展



FQ projects is pleased to present you an exhibition “Here, there, where?”, featuring oil paintings of two post 80's artists, Sim Chan and Sun Yu. They both explore the nature of human existence through drawing and try to explain the relationship between man and architecture (the material world) and that between human and self (the inner world).

Sun Yu exploits his excellent painting techniques in the unfashionable field of portraiture. He vividly catches the emotional sensation of the subjects and draws them on canvas to convey the ephemeral feeling to viewers, enabling the subjects to become lifelike and communicate with viewers. The people and scene in his paintings don’t have any concrete indications. With vague backgrounds and faces frequently used, the realistic parts such as an expression in one’s eye or a movement of the subject become prominent. Happiness, aspiration, loneliness, sorrow and unrestraint, these delicate emotions are common in the life of youngsters in 80’s but they want to cover them up from being known by other people. Now Sun Yu has reproduced them in the form of art, using his paintings as a mirror to evoke the true internal resonance in viewer’s heart. As we all know, the emotion of modern people is a reflex of social and economic environment. Sun Yu sincerely depicts the helplessness and emptiness of spiritual world which he and his peers share by exploring the subtlety and fineness of inner world. Just as he maintains, time is invisible but can be felt clearly and definitely, only among the invisible time can the emotion be outstanding. Although time elapses and everything changes, we may experience some moments we once had, the same as the subjects have in Sun’s paintings. Viewers will find underlying self in Sun Yu’s painting, it is a quick look of the secret space hidden in one’s heart.

Sim Chan, a young artist grown up in Hong Kong, using his paintings to convey people’s cravings for meaning of life in the high-industrialized and agitated city. Twisted, distorted buildings and clothes stands, tattered windows and signboards, entangled telegraph poles and wires in his paintings are true and ugly proof for human existence. Contrast with the poetic and beautiful sky, they show that people’s yearning for beauties is being perished by the harsh facts bit by bit. City is the bearer of life, architectures consist of the outline of city. Living in the hasty and complicated city, people are overloaded with work, hurry on the seemingly no-ending road, lead the numb life day by day. Unconsciously, they lose their motives to find the meaning of life and become a generation of confusion and mediocrity. The sky in Sim’s paintings is immense and beautiful, but the closely surrounding building bulks always remind us: no matter how appealing the sky will be, people’s lives are constrained to one little circle. The sense of human existence is such a kind of weak and vulnerable thing.


